
I’m not going to stop watching porn and I don’t care what is lost because of it. In fact I’ll go back to watching it daily.

But also if anything happens to me, a secret post outing the perpetrator will be revealed as soon as my name is in any public obituary or missing-person report. I don’t believe in suicide and anyone who knows me closely knows that I would never do it. I am prepared to be an enemy of any community, government, or even the whole world for what I believe in. This is your forewarning.

I only expect very specific people to understand all of this post. For everyone else take what makes sense to you.

EDIT: This is not a response to Ada’s post. I indeed have been bribed and subsequently blackmailed since 2013. But not by Ada, though her post woke that sleeping beast who has now escalated it to obsoleting me completely for knowledge I hold. This is why I initially attempted suicide in 2015 and subsequently hospitalized for 6 months. But as I said, do not believe for a moment that any news reports of my disappearance or death are not the result of foul play.